Jing-Qi-Shen, The Universal Art of Hands-On Healing
Welcome to the official website of The Jing-Qi-Shen Foundation. Based on the Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine, Jing-Qi-Shen (JQS) is an effective "hands-on" energy healing art. Traditional Chinese Medicine has classified energy as used in medicine in many ways. The most common explanation can be found in the Three Treasures (San Bao) – jing (essence-of-life), qi (energy), and shen (spirit).
It is believed that the Three Treasures, jing, qi, and shen, are the fundamental building blocks for all facets of life. An imbalance in any of the three will influence the others and can result in disease or illness within the body.
The Universal Healing Art of Jing-Qi-Shen is a new name for an old "hands on" healing art which has been passed down through the generations. For a more in depth explanation of this fascinating healing art please click onto Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ's in our web navigation list at the top of this page.

Our Holistic Healing Academy:
It is our intention to guide, inform, introduce and instruct the reader in The Universal Healing Art, provide an introduction to all forms of comparative energy healing modalities, and to provide educational tools and spiritual resources to support wholesome living.
More About Us:
The Jing-Qi-Shen Foundation is a rapidly growing organization founded by Buddhist Monks, Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioners, Doctors of Oriental Medicine, Hands on Healing and Energy Practitioners (including Reiki, Pranic, Quantum Touch and Clairvoyant Healers), Qigong and Daoist Healers, Physicians, Metaphysicians, and many friends from a united interfaith perspective seeking holistic alternatives to healing, as well as greater spiritual awareness. We believe that peace, love, healing and abundance is an inherent aspect of every sentient being.
Bookmark our pages, utilize our resources, and take advantage of our home study courses. All proceeds support the Jing-Qi-Shen Foundation.
Our mission is to generate healing, love, peace, and wholeness to the body, the mind, and the spirit.
Enjoy the information presented herein, and may it bring health and wholeness to your mind, body and soul.
Namaste . . .