The Jing-Qi-Shen Foundation

Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ's


The following Common Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ (frequently asked questions)are the most commonly asked questions by students new to Jing-Qi-Shen (JQS).

The following information will answer most of the basic questions you may have about this loving healing art such as:

  • What illnesses or diseases benefit from a Jing-Qi-Shen healing session?
  • What exactly is Jing-Qi-Shen and where did it originate from?
  • How effective is Jing-Qi-Shen?
  • How safe is Jing-Qi-Shen for children and animals?
  • Can anyone learn Jing-Qi-Shen?
  • Can Jing-Qi-Shen be combined with other healing arts?

Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ #1:

What illnesses or diseases can benefit from a JQS  healing session?

 To answer this question it is first necessary to remember that JQS classifies all disease or illness as deficient or excessive energy which has condensed, or solidified in a particular area of the body.

 Through out my years of study, and through facilitating hundreds of healings, I have seen many remarkable and sometimes miraculous shifts in a client’s bio-energetic body during and after a healing session. Among the miraculous, I have seen and felt bones realign themselves under my fingertips, and have even felt a solid tumor mass shrink under my fingertips right before my very eyes.

 JQS is safe to use on any condition presented to you. Common complaints of clients who have come to me for healing facilitations are muscle pains and injuries, broken bones, colds, flu, edema, TMJ, cysts, migraine headaches, depression, female issues, and gastritis and other digestive issues. A great number of clients come to me for general wellness treatments in order to keep their bio-energetic body clean and balanced.

Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ #2:

Is JQS a new healing art, or a facsimile of other energy healing arts?

 The energy healing arts have been known to be in existence in the ancient cultures of China, India, and Tibet. The energy healing arts are Universal, each operating in such a way as to elevate the vibration of the client by sensing and clearing stagnant energy in the etheric and physical bodies; as well as using various techniques to generate and send healing energy to their clients. Due to the close proximity of China, India, and Tibet, it is not surprising that the healing arts found in those cultures today share similarities.

 Jing-Qi-Shen is a new name for an old healing art taught to my teacher. When I first encountered this healing art my teacher Xian Rinposhe simply called it “Qi Hand, Qi Breath”.

Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ #3:

Is JQS more effective than other healing arts?

 All energy healing arts are effective. One particular style of energy healing art is not necessarily better than another. To believe so is an attempt for the ego mind to set itself above and apart from others. All energy healing arts have emerged from the Essence-of-Essence; The Divine Pool of Universal Consciousness. The only difference in any healing art is the skill of each individual practitioner.

Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ #4:

Does a JQS Practitioner need to receive energy attunements before they are able to give a healing session?

 No. JQS does not require energy attunements nor are they necessary for someone to effectively learn to draw and send healing Qi.

Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ #5:

Can anyone learn JQS?

 Yes, anyone can learn JQS. Self-study students and workshop participants come from all walks of life including: home executives, school teachers, members of the clergy, chiropractors, holistic health practitioners, massage professionals, physical therapists, physicians, and nurses.

Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ #6:

How long does it take to learn JQS?

 JQS workshop intensives are two days in length, and the self-study course may take up to three months to complete. However, as with any skill, continual practice is vital for the effectiveness of a JQS practitioner. 

The Jing-Qi-Shen Foundation requires each student and workshop participant a minimum of 80 hours of healing facilitations before considering a student proficient in the basic essentials of JQS. We suggest that students practice JQS facilitations immediately following a self-study course or workshop. Volunteers can be found everywhere. Work colleagues, family members, and friends are generally bountiful, and are great avenues to start accumulating practice hours. Once 80 hours are reached, practitioner status can be awarded at that time should the student desire it.

Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ #7:

Do I or my client need to believe in JQS for it to work?

No. Neither the client nor the practitioner needs to believe in JQS for a healing facilitation.

The rhythmic breathing technique the practitioner learns raises their bio-energetic vibration which is then absorbed into the client’s bio-energetic field as healing Qi is sent. The client’s body will continue to absorb the healing Qi until it matches the energetic frequency of the practitioner, triggering a healing response. This results from, and can be explained by, basic scientific principles.

Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ #8:

Can JQS be combined with other healing arts?

 Yes. I have known acupuncturists, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage professionals, cranial-sacral practitioners, Reiki practitioners, and others who have combined JQS into their practices.

Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ #9:

Can JQS be performed on children and animals?

 Yes. JQS is safe for animals and children. I have found that animals and children respond quickly to healing Qi and will let you know when they have absorbed enough energy. I perform JQS on my pets regularly and they let me know when their session is over by moving away from my hands.

Jing-Qi-Shen FAQ #10:

What is meant by facilitating a healing?

The JQS practitioner learns to be an energy conduit which directs healing Qi into the client. As such the practitioner does not actually heal the client; the Qi energy directed into the client’s body heals the client. “Facilitating a Healing” is a term used by the JQS practitioner to stand in the gap for the client when they draw and send healing Qi.

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